יום ראשון י"א באייר תשפ"ד 19/05/2024
  • The Mission Continues

    As in the past so it remains today - we were and still are under the selfsame commitment to adhere to the directions of the Gedolei Yisrael, who stand guard against breaches of purity threatening our camp. When we were required to ask – we asked. When we were instructed to depart – we left. The moment we are summoned back to raise the flag, every other consideration is pushed to the side and we answer: We are ready!


בראי היום

מקום ואתר

הצטרף לרשימת תפוצה

נא הכנס מייל תקני
הצטרפותכם לרשימת התפוצה – לכבוד היא לנו, בקרוב יחד עם השקתה של מערכת העדכונים והמידע תעודכנו יחד עם עשרות אלפי המצטרפים שנרשמו כבר.
בברכה מערכת 'עולם התורה'

In News

Inauguration of the Magnificent New Building of “Mosdot Chazon Meir V’Beit Yisrael” in Ashdod

The Yeshivah Ketanah building of “Mosdot Chazon Meir V’Beit Yisrael” is inaugurated in the presence of the Admor Rabbi Yekutiel Abuchatzeira shlit’a

Aaron Roth 21/10/2009 21:17
Tuesday night the new building of the Yeshivat Ketanah of “Mosdot Chazon Meir V’Beit Yisrael” was inaugurated in Ashdod. The Nasi of the institution, the Admor Rabbi Yekutiel Abuchatzeira shlit’a was present, together with the donor Mr. Edward David Romeno, who came especially from Mexico with his family in honor of the event.

At the main entrance to the building, the donor was honored with lifting the cover off the dedication sign, and immediately the participants broke into lively dancing to the melody of the song “T’he ha-sha’ah hazot… sha’at rachamim” and the blessings of “Siman Tov U’Mazel Tov!” rang out.

Hundreds of parents and students of the institution assembled at that time in the expansive main Beit Midrash, where a beautiful new Aron HaKodesh that was recently completed stood.

When the Admor Rabbi Yekutiel Abuchatzeira shlit’a entered the Beit Midrash the gathering burst into the song, “Yamim al yamei melech tosif” for a long time. He opened the event began with words of blessing and praise for the Creator for all the goodness He has bestowed upon them in attaining this day of rejoicing, for the building that will serve as a lighthouse for Torah for a Yeshivah Ketanah and Beit Midrash. The Rav noted that the entire goal of the building was like the completion of the work of the Mishkan, in which all the intention was for the sake of Heaven.

He also mentioned that the event was planned for this day, which is special since it is the Hilulah of HaRav HaKodesh Rav Yisrael of Ruzhin zy’a. He concluded with a blessing for all the participants and all those who contributed to the success of the event, and especially Mr. Edward David Romeno, his family, and the rabbis of the kehillah in Mexico who took the trouble to come to participate in the occasion of erecting a makom Torah where Jewish youngsters can grow in their Torah study.
After him the rav of the city, HaGaon Rabbi Yosef Sheinin shlit’a spoke about the great merit of erecting a makom Torah, with great sacrifice, and noted the blessed activities of HaAdmor Rabbi Yekutiel Abuchatzeira shlit’a, the Nasi of the Mosdot, in which he increases the honor of Torah in Ashdod with the “Mosdot Chazon Meir V’Beit Yisrael,” which have a very good reputation. He praised the Yeshivah Ketanah “Ateret Meir” which has received an excellent reputation in Ashdod, and many wish to send their sons there. He concluded with a bracha to the donor, Mr. Edward David Romeno and his family, that they should see blessing and success in all their endeavors.

The Admor of Pittsburg shlit’a spoke as well in honor of the event. Many important rabbis participated, as well as the rabbis and roshei mesivta of the Yeshivah. The event was concluded with dancing of a mitzvah, with the participation of the rabbis and Admorim together, in the hope that the place will continue to be a place of Torah and prayer.

At this point, the esteemed donor and his family, and the rabbis who came from Mexico, went to the seudat mitzvah in the home of the Admor Rabbi Yekutiel Abuchatzeira shlit’a, which was attended by the mayor Dr. Yechiel Lesari, who spoke in honor of the event.

It should be noted that on Wednesday morning the Yeshivah Ketanah students arrived early in the morning and began their regular schedule of Torah study in the new Beit Midrash, as new seforim for the library were installed the entire morning to assist the students in their learning.

כל העולם כולו
  The Admor Rabbi Yekutiel Abuchatzeira shlit’a arrives at the event [כל העולם כולו[]
כל העולם כולו
The rav of the city, HaGaon Rabbi Yosef Sheinnin shlit’a speaks.
The Admor of Pittsburgh shlit’a is seated in the center [כל העולם כולו]
כל העולם כולו
The Admor Rabbi Yekutiel Abuchatzeira shlit’a speaks at the event [כל העולם כולו  []
כל העולם כולו
A portion of the participants [כל העולם כולו[
כל העולם כולו
כל העולם כולו
HaRav HaTzaddik Rabbi Twersky shlita greets the Admor Rabbi Yekutiel
Abuchatzeira shlit’a [כל העולם כולו]