יום ראשון י"א באייר תשפ"ד 19/05/2024
  • The Mission Continues

    As in the past so it remains today - we were and still are under the selfsame commitment to adhere to the directions of the Gedolei Yisrael, who stand guard against breaches of purity threatening our camp. When we were required to ask – we asked. When we were instructed to depart – we left. The moment we are summoned back to raise the flag, every other consideration is pushed to the side and we answer: We are ready!


בראי היום

מקום ואתר

הצטרף לרשימת תפוצה

נא הכנס מייל תקני
הצטרפותכם לרשימת התפוצה – לכבוד היא לנו, בקרוב יחד עם השקתה של מערכת העדכונים והמידע תעודכנו יחד עם עשרות אלפי המצטרפים שנרשמו כבר.
בברכה מערכת 'עולם התורה'

In News

Beit Shemesh Tears Open the Gates of Heaven

Due to the untimely death of avreichim and the illness of HaGaon HaTzaddik Yehoshua Rosenbergr shlita, a prayer rally was held in Beit Shemesh in Kiryas HaRema

Aaron Roth 15/10/2009 22:27
The Eidah HaChareidis community held a prayer rally in the central Beis Midrash of the Kiryas HaRema neighborhood.
The city committee called “HaEidah HaChareidis Beit Shemesh” made announcements that the prayer rally was slated to take place due to the difficult events that had befallen the city of Beit Shemesh last year, as young avreichim passed away leaving behind broken widows and tender orphans.

In addition, the announcements mentioned that besides many sick people in the city, now there is a need for a huge arousal for prayer for the Mara D’Asra, HaGaon Rabbi Yehoshua Rosenberger shlita, who collapsed in the midst of the Hakafos, and despite his recovery and that he is out of danger, b’sayata d’Shamaya, he still needs much Divine mercy.

The assembly took place, as stated, in the Beis Midrash Shaarei Rema in Kiryas HaRema with the participation of the city’s rabbis led by the rav of the Nachalah U’Menuchah neighborhood HaGaon Rabbi Nosson Kupshitz shlita.

The rally began at 3:30 pm with a mass gathering of residents who participated in it as well as the younger children – the tinokos shel beis rabban – the students of the Beit Shemesh Eidah HaChareidis community’s Talmud Torah.