יום שני י"ב באייר תשפ"ד 20/05/2024
  • The Mission Continues

    As in the past so it remains today - we were and still are under the selfsame commitment to adhere to the directions of the Gedolei Yisrael, who stand guard against breaches of purity threatening our camp. When we were required to ask – we asked. When we were instructed to depart – we left. The moment we are summoned back to raise the flag, every other consideration is pushed to the side and we answer: We are ready!


בראי היום

מקום ואתר

הצטרף לרשימת תפוצה

נא הכנס מייל תקני
הצטרפותכם לרשימת התפוצה – לכבוד היא לנו, בקרוב יחד עם השקתה של מערכת העדכונים והמידע תעודכנו יחד עם עשרות אלפי המצטרפים שנרשמו כבר.
בברכה מערכת 'עולם התורה'


  • Peres Condemns Mosque Arson

    David Shmueli 12/12/2009 22:25

    The President condemned those responsible for the recent arson of the Kfar Yassouf mosque. "The event contradicts the principles of the State of Israel"

  • Construction Continues

    David Shmueli 11/12/2009 09:30

    At a conference of "Tzairei Yisrael" yesterday evening in Tel Aviv, initiated by Geneva, Minister Benny Begin clarified: "The building continues, and will continue for the next 10 months. At the end of 10 months, there will be in Yehuda and Shomron another 10,000 residents, in addition to the 300,000 who already live there."

  • Israel's 'Selektzia'

    Avi Moshe 10/12/2009 15:08

    A letter to Poland from the 50's reveals: Golda Meir requested that sick and disabled Jews not be allowed to immigrate to Israel. Litzman: 'This is inexcusable'

    פלאש 90
  • Hashmonaim in the Negev

    Avi Moshe 10/12/2009 14:43

    On the eve of Chanukah, fascinating new details have come to light about the Hashmonai kingdom that ruled not only in Jerusalem, but also in Gaza and in the Negev.

  • Baruch Dayan HaEmet

    Yochanan Weisberg 10/12/2009 11:36

    Early this morning, the sad news was released of the petirah of the distinguished woman, Mrs. Chana Oish, a"h.

  • Terrorist Attack Thwarted

    Reuven Stein 09/12/2009 22:06

    A young Palestinian was arrested trying to enter Jerusalem through the Qalandiya checkpoint with six pipe bombs and a knife

  • Iron Wall Goes Up on Border

    Eitan Fried 09/12/2009 12:23

    A 10 kilometer long iron wall will be built along a stretch of the border between Israel and Egypt, known as the "Philadelphia Corridor". The wall is another attempt to decrease the amount of smuggling from Egypt into the Gaza Strip. Huge iron panels will be sunk into the ground at a depth of 20 to 30 meters, to prevent smugglers from digging tunnels beneath the border, or from continuing to make use of those that already exist.

  • Avreich Seriously Injured

    Eitan Fried 09/12/2009 11:29

    On his way to his daily shiur, the chareidi avreich's car crashed into a tree, and he was seriously injured. The public is asked to pray for the complete recovery of Yisrael Pinchas ben Tzipporah Feiga Ettel.

  • A Tzaddik's Blessing

    David Shmueli 09/12/2009 10:33

    For months, in Modi'in Ilit, a job in the city's Department of Psychological Services was waiting to be filled. The gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky gave his blessing, and the problem was solved.

  • Let the People Decide

    David Shmueli 09/12/2009 09:31

    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will back a bill that will require a national referendum before going forward with any agreement that involves a withdrawal from the Golan Heights or East Jerusalem. "Any historic peace agreement I bring won't be based on a majority within the coalition but on substantial support from the majority of the public," said Netanyahu.



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    England: Iran’s Missile Test Cause for Worsening Sanctions

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    Copenhagen: 100 Demonstrators Arrested Outside Climate Conference

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    Jerusalem: Hospitalized Woman Died of Mexican Flu

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    Iran: We Have Evidence Against Opposition Leaders

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    Hod Hasharon: Man Died in Fall From Porch

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    The Dollar: 3.785 Shekels

  • 16/12/09 10:20

    Man Lightly Injured in Clash Between Jews and Arabs