יום שישי י"ח בניסן תשפ"ד 26/04/2024
  • The Mission Continues

    As in the past so it remains today - we were and still are under the selfsame commitment to adhere to the directions of the Gedolei Yisrael, who stand guard against breaches of purity threatening our camp. When we were required to ask – we asked. When we were instructed to depart – we left. The moment we are summoned back to raise the flag, every other consideration is pushed to the side and we answer: We are ready!


בראי היום

מקום ואתר

הצטרף לרשימת תפוצה

נא הכנס מייל תקני
הצטרפותכם לרשימת התפוצה – לכבוד היא לנו, בקרוב יחד עם השקתה של מערכת העדכונים והמידע תעודכנו יחד עם עשרות אלפי המצטרפים שנרשמו כבר.
בברכה מערכת 'עולם התורה'

The Market’s Bounty - in the Camera’s Lens

The Market’s Bounty - in the Camera’s Lens

Etrog’s photographer went for a stroll between the stalls of Machane Yehuda market, and returned laden with the experience (and bags). A forgotten gallery

Chaim Weisenstern 05/11/2009 11:20
It was already two months ago that our photographer went for an excursion along the aisles of the Machane Yehuda indoor market. He came back armed with bags full of produce – from succulent fruit to wholesome full-grain bread (whole wheat with raisins, hazelnuts and spices). The sights and scenes were recorded on film, brought to Etrog’s office and was all but forgotten amidst the flow of material that streamed in during that busy season.

Today - two months later, when the contents of his shopping bags are long ago consumed and remain but a fond memory, we still have the array of eye-catching and mouth watering pictures to enjoy. Here we present you with a gallery that brims with bounty and goodness, ‘In honor of Shabbos Kodesh’ - with fruits that are no longer on the market in these wintry days.
Wishing you a hearty appetite – and of course, a good Shabbos.


דובי גל, אתרוג

Did you know that so many ‘Borei Peri ha’Adama’ foods exist"?
דובי גל, אתרוג
“Don’t look at the vessel, but rather what lies inside” – these large and juicy
peppers are known to house uninvited bugs, beware!
דובי גל, אתרוג
Zucchini – ‘Kishuim’. In the Torah it is really the eggplant that is referred to by this
name, but if you think of it, they’re both of the same family
דובי גל, אתרוג
There isn’t enough spiciness in these hot peppers, take horseradish too...
דובי גל, אתרוג
Does anyone know the name of this interesting specimen?
דובי גל, אתרוג
'Karra' (gourd). Don't forget this was before Rosh Hashana.
דובי גל, אתרוג
דובי גל, אתרוג
Aah... Borei Peri Ha’etz.
דובי גל, אתרוג
Luscious figs… and another reminder, beware of the creatures!!!
דובי גל, אתרוג
The guava stall.
דובי גל, אתרוג
Pomegranates. Fortunate are you o Israel whose wicked ones are full of merits like
a pomegranate. And I say, not just any pomegranate but a pomegranate of Shuk Machane
Yehuda (even if they contain the same number of seeds as any other…)
דובי גל, אתרוג
In honor of our holy Shabbos.
דובי גל, אתרוג
The seeds of a pomegranate are difficult to digest, according to the Rambam. So here is the solution – juice.
דובי גל, אתרוג
דובי גל, אתרוג
Mango for Shabbos – no words necessary.
דובי גל, אתרוג
And what’s with the pistachio nuts?
דובי גל, אתרוג
Every genuine Yerushalmi knows of ‘Cohen’s Chamutzim’ (pickles). For some reason they also sell Kugel.
דובי גל, אתרוג
Spices and beans.
דובי גל, אתרוג
Fish. Lying side by side in obedient silence..
דובי גל, אתרוג
How many types of salted fish there are.
דובי גל, אתרוג
The fashion of whole-wheat bread with raisins, nuts and whatnot… has arrived here too.
דובי גל, אתרוג
דובי גל, אתרוג
דובי גל, אתרוג
Chalva. The ‘candy’ of our youth, is sold here in commercial quantities.
דובי גל, אתרוג
‘Hamelech’ – recommended..
דובי גל, אתרוג
Attention all males born in Yerushalayim, here are ‘pitzuchim’ for your Shalom Zachor (assorted nuts).
דובי גל, אתרוג
Still a long time until Tu-BiShvat, and already fully stocked on dried fruits.
דובי גל, אתרוג
Spices. I gave up right away trying to remember any of their names.
דובי גל, אתרוג
דובי גל, אתרוג
דובי גל, אתרוג
דובי גל, אתרוג
דובי גל, אתרוג
Confections. Before I told you about the ‘candy’ of our youth – Chalva – go tell the children of today, kids who know tens of kinds of sweets, and… admit…. they’re still not satisfied, always looking for something new
דובי גל, אתרוג
דובי גל, אתרוג
Biscuits galore, sold by weight. Also something unheard of when we grew up.
דובי גל, אתרוג
Remember well: The more roses there are, the more thorns….
דובי גל, אתרוג
No better conclusion to this glorious gallery – the Beit Knesset. The pomegranates, pistachios and candy will wait, now it’s time for Mincha….